Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some Facts About Deforestation

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Do you know about - Some Facts About Deforestation

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Deforestation is a permanent destruction of forests and woods. Deforestation is the conversion of forested area to the non forest land for the use of industrial gain, livestock, and urban use. In the ancient times, most of the land was covered with forests. As the citizen and other demands damage the earth and it leaded to deforestation.

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How is Some Facts About Deforestation

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In all over the world the rate of the destruction of forests is unimaginable. Nearly half of the mature tropical land is destroyed. As the humans are more aware for searching of new accommodation, and manufacture urban areas, they have become the largest cause of deforestation.

Examples of Deforestation:

Many tropical countries are the victims of deforestation. For example:
• Philippine
• Central America
• Nigeria
• Ethiopia
• Brazil

Other than the beauty, forests are responsible in keeping the world salutary and green. If we are enjoying the quality of life, it's just because of forests. Forests are the gifts that contribute to our quality of life. Deforestation has always been a practice, which is perilous for lives. Unfortunately all of the negative effects of deforestation are caused by bad agricultural practices, and negligence on the part of government.

Causes of Deforestation:

Deforestation is happening due to many reasons. Some are the base reasons are:
• Urban and construction purpose
• Population growth
• To grow crops
• Agricultural practices
• To originate cattle grazing lands
• Climate change
• Cut the woods for using fuel
• Clearing forests for mining and oil exploitation
• Making roads and highways
• Slash and burn forming techniques
• Wildfire
• Acid rain
• Greenhouse effect
• Making products from woods

Consequences of Deforestation:

There are two types of consequences of deforestation:
• Positive Consequences
• Negative Consequences

Positive Consequences:

Deforestation has made possible the needs of the collective groups. Forests are the way for residential houses, construction and factories. Roads are construction for trading and easier transports. Deforestation also made possible to produce agricultural products. The lands are used for agriculture. This brought more productions of foods and other materials. Economically deforestation contributed much and made obvious changes in the lives of humans.

Negative Consequences:

The negative consequences are:
• Exposing of soil
• Flooding
• Drought
• Disruption of water cycle
• Loss of biodiversity
• Climate change
• Desertification
• Shrinking beauty
• Increased population
• Irreversible environmental changes

How to preclude deforestation:

Deforestation should be controlled. There are some suggestions which should be considered.
• Reforestation/Plantation
• Wildlife sanctuaries: not only save the wild animals, but also save the woods and trees.
• Commercial forest plantation
• Water management: improper water administration causes the deforestation. This should be controlled.
• Use recycled items
• Farming practices
• Become an advocate: learn how the someone can spread the word.
• Support conservative organization: sustain the assosication through donation, money, time etc.

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