Do you know about - Beware Southern Drivers while Snowstorms
Live Stock Ticker! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.If you are from the South, you will 'get' this record on Southern drivers immediately. If you are not, you are probably one of those up North that has not read the jokes on the internet about Southern drivers. But that's okay because we deserve it. This has been fun for me to write and here's to hoping you get a chuckle or two out of it.
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First of all, there are no snowstorms as far south as I live even though the slightest flurry causes everybody to rush to the store and clean the shelves of bread, milk and batteries. It is not safe to be on the road with these fanatics or in the stores, where you may get trampled by the hoards running to stock up on food stuffs they will not be able to cook or keep cold. Never ceases to amaze me that the scenario is all the time the same. Mr./Mrs. Weatherman swears up and down that snow is arrival so children are sent home from school and classes are canceled for the next day only to find the sun shining and kids disappointed there is no snow. These 'snow days' are allowed by the school board which decides if they have to be made up or not. Since I work from home, I do not have to venture out among these insane drivers. I can stay in the comfort of my home, write some articles if the weather is nasty or just slug it and watch old movies.
Then there is the problem of moms and dads in the customary work force who may get sent home, also. Some are not salaried so they lose pay. There is also the 'over night wait and see' for the next day if work will continue as scheduled, be canceled for part of the day or the entire day. If schools are dismissed but moms and dads are not, then who takes care of the kids. If you do not have paid time off, you have to find person to tend to kids if the workplace did not cancel. So everybody sits in front of the Tv not watching their popular schedule but the ticker tape running at the bottom of the screen announcing school closings. If you were to get complicated in a home based enterprise then weather issues would not be a problem and your kids could stay home with you without scrambling to find person to watch them as you trudge off to the job you have to go to.
At least 5 or 6 times while the 'winter' they make these snow-is-coming announcements. person should hold them responsible for the chaos that ensues with these announcements afterward. We are now the brunt of jokes by those living in parts of the country that beyond doubt do have snowstorms to deal with. In my business, I talk with citizen all over the world. Believe me, they cannot understand what life would be like in a warmer climate with the chaos that ensues.
Something even more strange about Southern drivers (and I do not remember seeing this in any of the many cities I have lived in) is the reckless driving when it rains. We see rain quite often here so why should that cause drivers to come to be even more perilous to be around? You have to guard your rear by retention one eye on your rear view mirror at all times because the driver behind you has not allowed sufficient time to stop on the wet street.
At this point, you close your eyes and cringe begging God to stop their car in time. It also means when the crazy driver in front of you slams on their brakes for some unknown reason, you opportunity rear ending them and causing a 14 car pileup because all the drivers behind you are whether doing the same or may be on their cell phone instead of watching what is going on around them. A home based enterprise means you do not have to be on the road at closing time for school or work with traffic at its worst.
Also I feel I should mention the use or misuse of blinkers which were intended to let other drivers know when you were going to turn which may or may not be a legal one. No true Southerner uses their blinkers. If you get behind person sporting a license plate from a Southern state with their blinker on, the blinker was on when they bought the car!
Furthermore the issue of skipping red lights needs to be addressed. Anywhere else in the country, green is for go, yellow is caution to prepare to stop and red means you Stop-period. If your light turns green and you have not looked both ways repeatedly before you proceed, you may be slammed into by a driver running their red light at a very high rate of speed.
The rest of the country thinks we talk slow, walk slow, are easy going and soft spoken. Visitors are in for a rude awakening if they intend to venture South of the Mason-Dixon Line in a motor vehicle. If you are going to attempt such a thing, make sure your urgency kits are up to date-flares, those orange reflectors you put on the road hoping drivers go around you while they are rubber necking. As usual have your id ready along with your guarnatee card.
Also God forbid you are in an accident. Use that cell phone you are not supposed to be talking on while driving to take pictures of the damage to your car, the road locations, the other driver's car (especially the license plate) and the other driver, if possible. If the other driver produces any kind of id or guarnatee card, take pictures of those, also. More than likely the other driver is one of those you see on True Tv that disappears before or when the police arrive because there are warrants out for them or at least, they are illegally driving with a suspended license and no guarnatee even though they showed you proof of both. Are you starting to see a trend here? When you take the picture of the driver's license and guarnatee card, check the expiration dates on both.
Other than that "Y'all come back now!"
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