Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Environmental Ethics and business Ethics - Why They Must Be Used In Conjunction With Each Other

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Do you know about - Environmental Ethics and business Ethics - Why They Must Be Used In Conjunction With Each Other

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Ethics plays an ever increasing role in our community today, and environmental ethics and company ethics must be first and foremost. This has become more prevalent in our community today, especially after the Wall street melt down a combine of years ago, and habitancy have been swindled far too often by unethical company practices. Those unethical company practices have also carried over into environmental ethics, and bad corporate behaviors have contributed to many of our current environmental issues, While Wall street and profit mongers operate much of the company model, they must also comprise environmental ethics into their corporate strategies. This also boils down to group responsibilities, in that the bad effects of environmental neglect by corporations leads to a high degree of group issues arising from negligent corporate environmental actions.

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How is Environmental Ethics and business Ethics - Why They Must Be Used In Conjunction With Each Other

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Live Stock Quotes.

In 2010 we experienced a wave of environmental disasters, some of which can be attributed to corporate environmental neglect. The Bp Oil Spill and the Hungary Red Toxic Sludge Leak were part of world headlines, to name a couple. Weather disasters have also prolonged to fill the headlines, and not just for sensationalism, but for the true devastation created by these events. Either or not they are linked to atmosphere convert will never be determined, as atmosphere convert deniers and atmosphere convert supporters both will argue the facts until they are dead. Points can be made for both sides, but the point we should focus on is that it is happening, with no end in sight.

Both oil and coal are bad, not only for the environment, but for all living creatures, and they are both highly toxic in their natural raw state. They pollute the air and ground and water, and Either or not they are helping to originate these natural disasters should be irrelevant. They are both finite, and will not last forever, and the sooner we rid ourselves of the need for these two demons, the better. While oil and coal clubs continue to promote their products, and the best yet is clean coal, which is an unethical definition of something that just isn't possible, their ethics come into question, especially environmental ethics. Most of the worlds ills are derived from both of these, with oil spills, mining accidents, fires, and now atmosphere convert and global warming.

With sound environmental ethics incorporated into the company ethics model, these issues would be addressed and would lead to best group responsibility by the clubs that would corollary this model. While profits remain king, I see ethical issues arising from this model. Profits are important, but at what cost? The cost for the polluting, poisoning, and now atmosphere convert we are experiencing should far outweigh the company needs for a few corporations. As the environmental cataclysm's mount, so will the costs, in both human and financial numbers, which will by far surmount any profits made by these monomaniacal companies.

Hopefully we can learn from our past mistakes and reconsider that environmental ethics need to be just as important, if not more prominent a role as company ethics. Profits are all fine and dandy, and when everyone is development it they usually don't ask questions about how it was made. I now reconsider the profits from coal and oil endeavors blood money, earned at the cost and disruptions to hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, up to and including their deaths.

While everyone was more curious in the stock market surges of the '90's and other surge periods, we looked the other way when it came to company ethics, and environmental ethics for that matter too. Now we have paid some of the price for this lack of a moral compass, at least financially. Now we are starting to see the costs mount up for our lack of environmental ethics combined with company ethics, as death tolls and costs mount for the natural disasters we are currently experiencing. More habitancy have died this year alone from natural, or, I would imagine in this case, less than natural disasters than have died in the last 40 years from terrorist attacks.

This bring me to my point, we must institute a plan that all would bond to that would need businesses to combine an environmental ethics plan and comprise it with their company ethics model. group responsibility by corporations should no longer be frowned upon, and needs to become the first and prominent priority of the company model for the future. I remember an old saying, do what you love and the money will follow! I can't imagine whatever loving to hurt, maim, kill, or destroy their own home (Earth), neighbors, both human and animal, and families for generations to come. Now that should be a crime! In fact, in April of 2010, Uk Lawyer Polly Higgins proposed to the United Nations that ecocide be recognized as an international Crime Against Peace, alongside Genocide, Crimes of Humanity, War Crimes, and Crimes of Aggression, triable at the International Crime Court. So plans are in the works to deal with these crimes, and criminal actions. Ecocide by the way, agreeing to Wikipedia, the new proposed definition would be: "Ecocide: the unabridged destruction, damage to or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, Either by human group or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been severely diminished." Patrick Hossay, a U.S. Environmental activist and theorist implies that we are committing ecocide straight through industrialized civilizations effects on the environment on a worldwide scale.

So, in essence, the current company model doesn't work anymore, not if we don't want to destroy what we call home, our planet Earth. We must re-prioritize our responsibilities, and put our homes and welfare first, over greed and profits and the incessant need for stuff. We shouldn't let the megalomaniacs dictate what is good for us, what we need, and what is good for the planet. We need to rein these folks in, and turn off the addictive, destructive behaviors we are currently engaged in and get a grip on our lifestyles and begin to treat our planet and home with the respect and care that we would our house, car, computer, stereo, iphone, and tv. Environmental ethics must play just as prominent a role as company ethics if we wish to continue to live in a 'normal' world, or at least what we are accustomed to. Without the convergence of these two ethical models, we may as well stick our heads between our knees and kiss our butts goodbye. The good news is that we can use all that blood money from oil and coal to start fires when the next ice age hits.

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