Sunday, July 22, 2012

Low Risk Day Trading Strategies

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How is Low Risk Day Trading Strategies

Low Risk Day Trading Strategies Video Clips. Duration : 0.45 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Stock Quotes . - Low Risk Day Trading Strategies It frequently comes as a surprise to people, but I'm not a gambler. In Vegas, I'm not going to hang out at the Blackjack tables or the slot machines. In fact, you probably won't see me in the casinos of the hotels at all. I'm an entrepreneur so I'm certainly no stranger to taking big risks on a frequent basis. It's part of the job description and I've not only learned to tolerate it but embrace it. But when I look at taking risks in business and gambling, they feel nothing alike. In Vegas, the house wins... always. In business, however, I can stack the odds in my favor and make it far more likely that I win. Okay, I'm rambling. This article is supposed to be about day trading so let's get to that. The way most people play the day trading game is like most people gamble in Vegas. They get a "feeling" that next big score is coming if they just stick with it. However, professional day traders don't trade on whims and feelings. They take calculated risks where the odds are in their favor. While only 5% of day traders ever make money, those who do it well, can make a fortune. Low Risk Day Trading If you want to becoming a day trading winner, then read on and I'll give you three simple low risk day trading strategies to put you in the 5% that do succeed. 1) Get A Clearer Picture Of The Market A lot of people get a little too myopic when they're entering their trades. Let's say you're using 5 minute intervals to enter trades ...
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