Thursday, May 10, 2012

Using Media and Pr to Your Advantage.

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How is Using Media and Pr to Your Advantage.

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That's what often happens when citizen think of using media for advertising or other promotional purposes. It's the focus on 'action' that often means the results are somewhat less than expected. A bit of planning can greatly improve your chances of success.

Before you palpate any media outlet there are a few things you should think about:

1) select the right media.

2) Make sure you have an involving story (or advertisement).

3) Treat media contacts with respect.

Here's some advice to help you use media wisely and improve your results.

1) select the right media.

>> Press (newspapers - daily, weekly, paid or free) -

* Great for targeting 'now' buyers who are looking for current specials and promotions.

* generally reaches an older demographic.

>> Television (metropolitan or regional) -

* Huge reach potential ensures many citizen have the opportunity to see your advertisement. Although often there is much wastage as many viewers are not in the target audience.

* blend of visual & audio is ideal for 'show and tell' demonstrations.

* Issues will be more likely to be covered if they can be explained or highlighted with the use of 'visuals' - live footage, photos, pictures, interviews etc.

>> Radio -

* Due to the diversity of radio hub music/talk formats you can more certainly identify demographics of audience.

* Higher frequency can be achieved due to relatively low cost of medium.

* May add credibility to small firms as audio presentation can be professionally produced at a low cost.

>> Direct Mail -

* Can create high impact material with detailed information.

* ability to target private users and personalize message.

* Responses can be certainly tracked and measured.

>> Email -

* Very short lead/production time. May use text, Html, rich media format.

* Can certainly be personalised using in-house information.

* Ideal to attract customers back to a web site for further details and ordering.

* Quick response and feedback possible.

>> Catalogues/Flyers -

* There are many types of catalogues. select a style and frequency to suit your product, audience and allocation - e.g. Paper stock, use of colour, photographic style, layout, topic etc.

* Can promote a range of complementary products in a themed environment.

2) Make sure you have an involving story (or advertisement). If you are creating an advertisement think these points:

- - Do you have a headline that is advantage oriented?

- - Do you fast spell out the benefits in the first few lines of copy?

- - Are all palpate details legible and correct?

- - Use a photograph to add interest.

- - Can you use colour?

- - Your enterprise logo should appear at the bottom of the ad, not the top.

- - Where is your ad going to appear in the publication:

* Which issue?

* Which page? Left or right hand side?

* Is there an related feature/editorial opportunity?

* Where are your competitors positioned?

If you are submitting a media publish or contacting a journalist/reporter for coverage:

- - Make sure you have covered the 5 W's:

* Who, What, Where, When, Why.

- - Have your palpate details at the bottom of the release.

- - Make sure you have a credible 'news' angle. Use numbers, trends, emotional situations, quotes from citizen complicated etc to add interest for a reporter.

- - Write concisely without using manufactures jargon. The publish should be 400-500 words maximum.

- - Try and send your publish to a definite individual, reporter or journalist.

3) Treat media contacts with respect.

Most citizen in the media work to revolving deadlines. Make life a bit easier for your media palpate by working within these deadlines, and in return you will regularly receive a fair hearing.

Reporters try to say an objective coming to stories. You may think your new stock publish or upcoming event is hugely important. But don't fantasize the media will all the time see it your way. Give them a imagine to get excited but stick to the facts.

If you are seen to be too pushy your story will often be ignored. Don't harass the reporter with numerous phone calls, emails, faxes etc. It is Ok to call the reporter first and check their beat and ask how and when they prefer information to be supplied. For example, many newsrooms will not accept emails with attachments due to virus concerns. Then send your (properly prepared) information, and wait for them to palpate you.

In summary, to get the best results:

* select the right media

* Write your material to be effective

* palpate the right person, and

* Submit your information in an approved way.

Oh...and don't forget, - using the media should be fun.

(c) 2005 Marketing Nous Pty Ltd

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